Sunday, May 29, 2011

Article: Are You Raising a Douchebag?: Marriage + Kids : Details

Are You Raising a Douchebag?: Marriage + Kids : Details

It’s then that you must reckon with the real possibility that your drive to make little Johnny better, smarter, and hipper has merely turned him into a douchebag. Put it this way: If it’s your child, not you, who gets to choose your weekend brunch spot, or if he’s the one asking how the branzino is prepared, it’s probably time to take a hard look at your own behavior.

(via Instapaper)

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The Best Way To Stay Organized On The Go - Tasks

I love Google. Even though, sometimes I feel the "Big Brother" gaze of Google I still feel great about there products. Try Tasks for quick and easy ways to stay organized. Check out the video

Here Is How Many Are Making A Living With The Internet- Can You Do It as Well?

Selling merchandise on a vlog, blog or personal Web site can bring in even more cash. Darren Kitchen, 28, of San Francisco said he makes $5,000 a month selling stickers, T-shirts, baseball caps and computer hacking tools on his Web site,, which offers a weekly video show about computer hacking.

Here is a great sampling of how people are making a living on the internet. Take a look, you should get some great ideas of how you can start making a living on the internet

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Shortcut to the Shortcut: The 4 Key Principles of The 4-Hour Body

The Shortcut to the Shortcut: The 4 Key Principles of The 4-Hour Body 53 Comments

Topics: Presentations, The 4-Hour Body

This short presentation, delivered in Berlin at the NEXT Conference, covers the four key principles of the #1 New York Times bestseller, The 4-Hour Body. It also includes an interview with the fantastic David Rowan, editor of Wired Magazine in the UK.

The Q&A covers smart drugs, Ambien, measurement of “thoughts” (prefrontal cortex activity), and more.

All speaker videos from NEXT can be found here, and include some gems, like the inimitable CTO of Amazon, Dr. Werner Vogels.

Do your genes really determine your bodies muscle composition? Maybe less than you think... Check this out