Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to make e-book covers quickly

In this video you'll see how to make e-Book covers quickly using Adobe Photoshop.


Video 12 of 30


ecover.mp4 Watch on Posterous

roll the dice!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to Take Screen Shots of Any Website

If you ever wanted to learn how to take a screen shot picture of a website, here you go.

Jing is a free tool you can use to take screen shots

Video 11 of 30

How to take screen shots of any website




How To Use Google Trends

Google Trends And Why You Should Use It.


First what is google trends, to me google trends helps track what people have done in the past. If you know what people have done before, then you have a good idea of what they will do in the future.

This helps you make an educated guess of how to make your next move.

A quick silly example is Halloween.  If you check when people start to type in the word Halloween it would be a good indicator of when people are interested in halloween stuff.  So you could start to make an educated guess on when to start a ppc campaign.

So when you don't know for sure it gives you a place to start.


In this video you will learn how to use google trends


Video 9 of 30


How to use google trends


googletrends.mp4 Watch on Posterous
Thank you



Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Here is How To Put Paypal Order Buttons On Your Website

Ever wonder how you could make some money selling things on your website?

Well, here is a way you can place paypal buttons on your website so that you can collect money for what you sell.

The best thing about paypal is that they pay you directly to an account you open with paypal.

You don't have to deal with credit car machines or the hastle of people calling you to take credit card information.


Video 8 of 30

How to put paypal order buttons on your website

paypal.mp4 Watch on Posterous

Now go get a product and make some money!



Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How To Setup A Free Wordpress Blog

Ever wonder how to get your hands on a free blog?

Well you can with this video.

It will show you how to set up a free wordpress blog

Video 7 of 30:

How to setup a free wordpress blog

freewordpress.mp4 Watch on Posterous


Have fun



Sunday, August 7, 2011

How to Register and Use Skype

Skype is a great communication tool.

I use it just about everyday.

I talk to my wife and kids on it.

I talk to business partners on it.

I talk to people that work for me on skype as well.

It truley is a valuable tool.

Oh and aslo its free :)



In this video you will find out how to setup and account and use skype


Video 6 of 30


How to Setup and Use Skype

skype.mp4 Watch on Posterous
Thanks for Watching



How to Register For a Youtube Account And How to Upload a Video

Youtube is the Second or Third largest searched site in the world.

If you want to get videos on youtube this video shows you exactly how to do it :)


Video 5 Of 30


How to Register For a Youtube Account And How to Upload a Video

youtube.mp4 Watch on Posterous


Please let me know If you find this series of videos useful

I will upload more!





How to Upload Files to A Website Using FTP

Ever wonder how your suposse to get information onto your website?


Well in this video, it shows you exactly how you can do it :)


Video 4 of 30:

How to upload files using Ftp

Hope this helps



Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to setup a Nameserver

here is video 3 of 30 how to setup a nameserver


A nameserver is what connects your domain name and your hosting account.

For example: if you buy a domain from godaddy called and you have a hosting service from hostgator, when someone types in the url bar they will land on your site.

Maybe not the best description but

watch the video to find out exactly how to do it


nameservers.mp4 Watch on Posterous




Friday, August 5, 2011

How to Setup And Optimize Your Twitter Account

Twitter is a huge resource for you to use.

It can help you identify new internet friends and start conversations.

There is real power in the ability to speak to your market through twitter.

Heck, even the president uses twitter.


Here is a video that will help you setup and tweak your twitter account so you can make it yours.



twitter.mp4 Watch on Posterous


Have fun!



Register a Domain Name- The Easy Way

Hey I wanted to share a group of videos I have, that show you how to do certain things on the Internet, like:

  1. how to register a domain name
  2. how to choose and register a web hosting provider
  3. how to set up a free WordPress blog
  4. how to use Google trends


Here's the first video in a series

1 of 30

how to register a domain name


domainname.mp4 Watch on Posterous

let me know what you think
