Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to create and audience and how to Write Epic Shit

Write Epic Shit

Guess what percentage of our conversations so far have been spent discussing promotional strategies. Seriously, make a guess.

The answer? Less than 20%.

In every conversation I’ve had with wildly successful entrepreneurs and bloggers about building website traffic, promotional tactics only make up 20% of our talks.

So, what is the other 80% of building a popular site about?

Building a raving audience online all starts with writing epic shit. Period. Hands down. End of story.

(If you aren’t building a blog, substitute the word “create” for “write.” Create epic shit. Either way, the formula is the same.)

Write things that make people think. Inspire people. Change lives. Create value. Blow people away with your usefulness.

(via Instapaper)

You should go read this article in full right now!
Because this is the best way to create an audience.

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, October 3, 2011

WordPress video tutorials

Over at my blog, ArthurPeterson.com I'm creating a whole category of videos that I have on WordPress.

I have 30 videos that I picked up that show you how to do all kinds of cool stuff with your WordPress blog. It walks you through how to set it up with Cpanel. All the way through to how to use plug-ins.


I highly recommend videos because of your new the WordPress it can be very intimidating. The videos can short cut your time to creating a professional looking blog.

When I first started creating blogs. It took me hours just to get one concept down and implemented on my blog. I want a shortcut that time for you.

So if you need great information, great videos on how to use WordPress, I suggest you check out.


Arthur "hello world" Peterson