Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to Add and Change Links is WordPress

Here is a video I just finished adding an intro to...


It shows you how to add and change links in your wordpress blog


How_to_Add_and_Change_Links_In_WordPress.mp4 Watch on Posterous

goto for more videos


On another note

Here is a cool intro video using sony vegas 11




Art "Video intro newb." Peterson

Friday, November 11, 2011

New WordPress Pop-Up Plug-In

If You Want to Get Complete Body Strong Here Are Two of My Favorite Trainers

some people are delusional like this picture if you're one of them please click away this is not for you there's nothing to see here
but, for those of you they're interested in real world training check this out:
two of my favorite trainers:

the reason why I love these two guys is because they're the real deal.
Working and building muscle out of their garages, just like a working man does.
They give you tips that are real. And what I mean by that is – these are not pretty boy techniques- these are real-world get it done or go home exercises.
these guys can prepare you for whatever sport you love. Without question.

if you do what these guys say you will be stronger than you've ever been in your life.
I suggest you check out their YouTube videos
And. Check out their websites.

Ross Enamait

Matt Wichlinski

check out the audio here as well

Ross and matt audio.wma Listen on Posterous


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Screen Capture Videos


Hey I just wanted to share a great screen capture solution for you that Mark Hess has created.

If you want to spend hundreds of dollars to do screen capture video you can.

Or you can use Mark's system and do it for 12 bucks.

Get Mark Hess's great solution for creating screen capture videos Click Here

how_to_create_screen_capture_videos.mp4 Watch on Posterous


Art "the video guy" Peterson

WordPress video tutorial – how to get rid of white space at the top of your blog


I just wanted to share video I have, that goes over how to use WordPress a little better.

It talks about how to get rid of white space on your blog.

So check it out. Leave me a comment below and tell me what you think




Here_is_how_to_remove_that_little_white_space_at_the_top_of_your_wordpress_blog.mp4 Watch on Posterous
Art "the WordPress guy." Peterson

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to create and audience and how to Write Epic Shit

Write Epic Shit

Guess what percentage of our conversations so far have been spent discussing promotional strategies. Seriously, make a guess.

The answer? Less than 20%.

In every conversation I’ve had with wildly successful entrepreneurs and bloggers about building website traffic, promotional tactics only make up 20% of our talks.

So, what is the other 80% of building a popular site about?

Building a raving audience online all starts with writing epic shit. Period. Hands down. End of story.

(If you aren’t building a blog, substitute the word “create” for “write.” Create epic shit. Either way, the formula is the same.)

Write things that make people think. Inspire people. Change lives. Create value. Blow people away with your usefulness.

(via Instapaper)

You should go read this article in full right now!
Because this is the best way to create an audience.

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, October 3, 2011

WordPress video tutorials

Over at my blog, I'm creating a whole category of videos that I have on WordPress.

I have 30 videos that I picked up that show you how to do all kinds of cool stuff with your WordPress blog. It walks you through how to set it up with Cpanel. All the way through to how to use plug-ins.


I highly recommend videos because of your new the WordPress it can be very intimidating. The videos can short cut your time to creating a professional looking blog.

When I first started creating blogs. It took me hours just to get one concept down and implemented on my blog. I want a shortcut that time for you.

So if you need great information, great videos on how to use WordPress, I suggest you check out.


Arthur "hello world" Peterson


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to make e-book covers quickly

In this video you'll see how to make e-Book covers quickly using Adobe Photoshop.


Video 12 of 30


ecover.mp4 Watch on Posterous

roll the dice!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to Take Screen Shots of Any Website

If you ever wanted to learn how to take a screen shot picture of a website, here you go.

Jing is a free tool you can use to take screen shots

Video 11 of 30

How to take screen shots of any website




How To Use Google Trends

Google Trends And Why You Should Use It.


First what is google trends, to me google trends helps track what people have done in the past. If you know what people have done before, then you have a good idea of what they will do in the future.

This helps you make an educated guess of how to make your next move.

A quick silly example is Halloween.  If you check when people start to type in the word Halloween it would be a good indicator of when people are interested in halloween stuff.  So you could start to make an educated guess on when to start a ppc campaign.

So when you don't know for sure it gives you a place to start.


In this video you will learn how to use google trends


Video 9 of 30


How to use google trends


googletrends.mp4 Watch on Posterous
Thank you



Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Here is How To Put Paypal Order Buttons On Your Website

Ever wonder how you could make some money selling things on your website?

Well, here is a way you can place paypal buttons on your website so that you can collect money for what you sell.

The best thing about paypal is that they pay you directly to an account you open with paypal.

You don't have to deal with credit car machines or the hastle of people calling you to take credit card information.


Video 8 of 30

How to put paypal order buttons on your website

paypal.mp4 Watch on Posterous

Now go get a product and make some money!



Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How To Setup A Free Wordpress Blog

Ever wonder how to get your hands on a free blog?

Well you can with this video.

It will show you how to set up a free wordpress blog

Video 7 of 30:

How to setup a free wordpress blog

freewordpress.mp4 Watch on Posterous


Have fun



Sunday, August 7, 2011

How to Register and Use Skype

Skype is a great communication tool.

I use it just about everyday.

I talk to my wife and kids on it.

I talk to business partners on it.

I talk to people that work for me on skype as well.

It truley is a valuable tool.

Oh and aslo its free :)



In this video you will find out how to setup and account and use skype


Video 6 of 30


How to Setup and Use Skype

skype.mp4 Watch on Posterous
Thanks for Watching



How to Register For a Youtube Account And How to Upload a Video

Youtube is the Second or Third largest searched site in the world.

If you want to get videos on youtube this video shows you exactly how to do it :)


Video 5 Of 30


How to Register For a Youtube Account And How to Upload a Video

youtube.mp4 Watch on Posterous


Please let me know If you find this series of videos useful

I will upload more!





How to Upload Files to A Website Using FTP

Ever wonder how your suposse to get information onto your website?


Well in this video, it shows you exactly how you can do it :)


Video 4 of 30:

How to upload files using Ftp

Hope this helps



Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to setup a Nameserver

here is video 3 of 30 how to setup a nameserver


A nameserver is what connects your domain name and your hosting account.

For example: if you buy a domain from godaddy called and you have a hosting service from hostgator, when someone types in the url bar they will land on your site.

Maybe not the best description but

watch the video to find out exactly how to do it


nameservers.mp4 Watch on Posterous




Friday, August 5, 2011

How to Setup And Optimize Your Twitter Account

Twitter is a huge resource for you to use.

It can help you identify new internet friends and start conversations.

There is real power in the ability to speak to your market through twitter.

Heck, even the president uses twitter.


Here is a video that will help you setup and tweak your twitter account so you can make it yours.



twitter.mp4 Watch on Posterous


Have fun!



Register a Domain Name- The Easy Way

Hey I wanted to share a group of videos I have, that show you how to do certain things on the Internet, like:

  1. how to register a domain name
  2. how to choose and register a web hosting provider
  3. how to set up a free WordPress blog
  4. how to use Google trends


Here's the first video in a series

1 of 30

how to register a domain name


domainname.mp4 Watch on Posterous

let me know what you think




Sunday, May 29, 2011

Article: Are You Raising a Douchebag?: Marriage + Kids : Details

Are You Raising a Douchebag?: Marriage + Kids : Details

It’s then that you must reckon with the real possibility that your drive to make little Johnny better, smarter, and hipper has merely turned him into a douchebag. Put it this way: If it’s your child, not you, who gets to choose your weekend brunch spot, or if he’s the one asking how the branzino is prepared, it’s probably time to take a hard look at your own behavior.

(via Instapaper)

Sent from my iPhone

The Best Way To Stay Organized On The Go - Tasks

I love Google. Even though, sometimes I feel the "Big Brother" gaze of Google I still feel great about there products. Try Tasks for quick and easy ways to stay organized. Check out the video

Here Is How Many Are Making A Living With The Internet- Can You Do It as Well?

Selling merchandise on a vlog, blog or personal Web site can bring in even more cash. Darren Kitchen, 28, of San Francisco said he makes $5,000 a month selling stickers, T-shirts, baseball caps and computer hacking tools on his Web site,, which offers a weekly video show about computer hacking.

Here is a great sampling of how people are making a living on the internet. Take a look, you should get some great ideas of how you can start making a living on the internet

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Shortcut to the Shortcut: The 4 Key Principles of The 4-Hour Body

The Shortcut to the Shortcut: The 4 Key Principles of The 4-Hour Body 53 Comments

Topics: Presentations, The 4-Hour Body

This short presentation, delivered in Berlin at the NEXT Conference, covers the four key principles of the #1 New York Times bestseller, The 4-Hour Body. It also includes an interview with the fantastic David Rowan, editor of Wired Magazine in the UK.

The Q&A covers smart drugs, Ambien, measurement of “thoughts” (prefrontal cortex activity), and more.

All speaker videos from NEXT can be found here, and include some gems, like the inimitable CTO of Amazon, Dr. Werner Vogels.

Do your genes really determine your bodies muscle composition? Maybe less than you think... Check this out

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Style has shrunk\\\\

On the Street....Duo, Pitti Uomo

posted by The Sartorialist at 7:12 AM

2 tall glasses of water. Erkell-esque but the style just permeates the air.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Las Vegas Aliante Park

Las Vegas- At The Park
Uploaded with Skitch!
Why are there so many pigeions in Las Vegas
They must be the most adaptable bird on the planet.
I see them everywhere, in every city.
You know how people say only roaches will be left after the bomb drops, well I think you should add pigeions to the list.
Roll the dice, eat a pigeon.

Las Vegas Aliante Park

Las Vegas- At The Park
Uploaded with Skitch!

Why are there so many pigeions in Las Vegas
They must be the most adaptable bird on the planet.
I see them everywhere, in every city.

You know how people say on roaches will be left after the bomb drops, well I think you should add pigeions to the list.

Roll the dice, eat a pigeon.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Here Is How To Do The Vegas Hustle

If you ever wanted to see a real Vegas hustler at work watch the video from 60 Minutes.

Just to give you some insight. 4 golf courses 8 car dealerships 7 homes 20 Million dollar jet, all bought from beating Vegas.

His crew, not just Billy, moves Las Vegas lines with the wave of a giant bankroll.

Watch the first five minutes for a lesson on the golf hustle

Really listen to what he says.  He has a resource base of all kinds of information junkies.
Mathematicians, Statistics geeks and gophers.  All handpicked for a specific reason. 
A network, a system.  Each step defined and redefined to its core essence.
No Fat.

Look at his desk.  Meticulously clean.  Files of information, not piles of information.

No Fat.

Lots to learn.

Life is nothing but a hustle, tell'm Rick...

Take Action Roll the Dice




Ps. What's your take? What's your Hustle?  What's your system

Leave some comments below.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley and Arthur Peterson...

Michael Jordan Comming to Vegas


Hole No. 9 at Shadow Creek Golf Course. So vast. So mysterious.

By Robin Leach (contact)

Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 | 2:13 p.m.

Superstars from the entertainment and sports worlds will collide at Michael Jordan’s 10th annual celebrity invitational golf tournament to be played over four days in Las Vegas for the first time starting March 31. It coincides with the Academy of Country Music Awards, so expect a real cavalcade of headline names.

The tournament will be played at the prestigious private golf course Shadow Creek, which is being opened to the public for the first time. The course, built by Steve Wynn, has been available only to MGM Resorts’ high rollers and VIPS, and then eventually to casino resort guests.

Las Vegas Wonderground

Click to enlarge photo

Al Powers/Powers Imagery

Jack Osbourne, right, and a friend at Lavo at the Palazzo on Jan. 19, 2011.

Michael has set a target of more than $5 million for his event, with funds going to Make-A-Wish Foundation and Nevada Cancer Institute, among others. The all-star roster has included Wayne Gretzky, Charles Barkley, Mario Lemieux, Julius Irving, Mark Wahlberg, Samuel L. Jackson and Kurt Russell.

VIPs will have their own party deck at the Par 5 128th hole to watch the celebrities take their final shots. Tickets went on sale yesterday and are available at the Viva Elvis box office at Aria and online at

*Fifty U.S. cities are joining in this year’s Feb. 27 Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences’ 83rd Annual Academy Awards, and one of them is Las Vegas. It’s part of a nationwide network of fundraising parties and includes the live broadcast of the show on ABC. Expect an official announcement next week that the Palms will play host to a gala black-tie dinner on Oscar night, with the telecast played on a big screen at Brenden Theaters.

It’s an officially sanctioned Academy event, so guests receive an official Oscar show program and the nominees and winners commemorative poster. Last year, 17,000 guests at the 51 parties raised more than $3 million for charities including the American Red Cross, Special Olympics and Starlight Children’s Foundation.

*Las Vegas magician Jeff McBride’s monthly show Wonderground at The Olive on East Sunset near McCarran hits a highpoint tonight with so many performers, he’s had to break it into three sections. The first features no less than 11 performers, and an hour later, it’s a close-up show with five magicians, dancers, tarot readings and body painting. The continuing third and late-night show will have five more performers and the Mojo Go-Go dancers. For more info, check out

Star surveillance

Hockey legend Wayne Gretzky dined with four friends at Lavo at the Palazzo last night. Jack Osbourne partied upstairs in the boutique nightclub with friends at the kickoff of the monthly Glam party. Lady Tigra, hip-hop artist, original member of L’Trimm and real name Rachel de Rougemont, partied and performed at Bang Wednesdays at Moon at the Palms. Also in attendance: DJ Adir Tal, retired Croatian footballer Davor Suker and Cisco Adler and Shwayze, who performed an impromptu set.

Tonight’s tips

Grammy Award-winning singer Jon Secada performs for three nights at Tropicana. Chris Willis with his hits “Love Is Gone” and “Getting Over You.” Comic Robert Kelly is at The Playboy Comedy Lounge in the Palms for three nights.

Tomorrow’s teases

We have the weekend celebrity forecast of who’s where and doing what around town on and off The Strip led by an all-star comedy lineup of Jay Leno, David Spade and the irrepressible Paula Poundstone. Plus our Merry Mayor of Mirth Oscar Goodman reveals that he’s not going to hang around until the end of his term once it’s clear who’ll step into his shoes, and Naya Rivera of Glee celebrates her birthday with castmates of the hit and award-winning Fox series.

Robin Leach has been a journalist for more than 50 years and has spent the past decade giving readers the inside scoop on Las Vegas, the world’s premier platinum playground.

Follow Robin Leach on Twitter at

Follow Vegas DeLuxe on Twitter at

Follow VDLX Editor Don Chareunsy on Twitter at

I don't care how old I am. If Jordan comes to Las Vegas it still makes feel like the Pope is in town.
All hail Jordan.

Roll the Dice,


Monday, January 17, 2011

Private Label Rights - Here is where to Start When You Need To Be Creative

I've started a site called

It's ugly and needs to be spurced up but you have to start somewhere right?

I will give you something just for taking a look at it, but more about that in a sec.

First, I think you'll like what it does

So here is what it does:

It gives you a shortcut of sorts to making a living on the internet.


Simple. I have created or bought...

Websites, articles, videos and more cool stuff that you can use to make money

So here is the how part to you making a buck.

You can use these as starting points for creating websites that pay you.  When I say starting points I mean, you can start and build it as you see fit.

For example:

I have a complete coffee site you can get.

It has all the pictures, videos, and articles to get you started.

Its complete.

But to make money real money you do have to put your personal spinn on it.

Give it some personality.


I want to give you something right here for free.

It's a document that goes over the simple stuff.  The stuff you need know.  Even if your not into the sites I have.

Use it and profit!!!



Roll the Dice




PS. Should I make my Private label Site have a Vegas Theme?

I would love to know what you think?  Leave a comment below

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Got to See This Fight.


Steve Marcus

WBC/WBO bantamweight champion Fernando Montiel, left, of Mexico and Nonito Donaire of the Philippines pose during a news conference at the Mandalay Monday, January 10, 2011. Montiel will defend his titles against Donaire at the Mandalay Bay Events Center on February 19.

By Ray Brewer (contact)

Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2011 | 2:05 a.m.

Related Content

It's very rare for a boxing championship-belt holder to be an underdog in his title-defense fight.

But Fernando Montiel, the WBC and WBO bantamweight champion, is listed as a +220 underdog (win $2.20 for a $1 wager) for his Feb. 19 title defense against heralded Nonito Donaire at the Mandalay Bay Events Center.

After hearing the odds Monday during a press event at Mandalay Bay, the veteran Montiel (43-2-2 with 33 KOs) jokingly offered some words of advice for bettors.

"The only advice I can tell you is to run to the sports books and try to win some money with me," Montiel said.

Those affiliated with the fight are billing it as one of the most intriguing of the year thanks to its two accomplished fighters.

"We think they are the two best bantamweights in the world," said Bruce Trampler, Top Rank's matchmaker. "When you look at pound-for-pound fighters, and you see two guys like this who can box, who can punch and who can take a punch, it's just a dream matchup. As a fan, it's just a fight I'm looking forward to."

The fight is scheduled for 12 rounds, but don't expect it to go the distance, both fighters warned.

"It will not go 12 rounds," Donaire said. "He has tremendous power. I have tremendous power. May the best man win.

"I want to win by knockout. He wants to win by knockout," Donaire continued. "That's why I think this fight will not go 12 rounds."

The 28-year-old Donaire (25-1, 17 KOs) is widely considered one of the sport's top-10 pound-for-pound fighters. Nine of this last 10 victories have come by knockout, and he enters the fight with a nine-year, 24-fight winning streak.

In his most recent fight, Donaire floored for WBA champion Wladimir Sidorenko in the fourth-round Dec. 4, battering the overmatched fighter from start to finish in a convincing win.

"He can talk all day and he can fight all night. He is a terrific star," Trampler said. "A lot of people have said to us, 'Is he going to be the next Manny Pacquiao?' because both are Filipino. I would rather have him be the first Nonito Donaire. I think he is terrific. He is a big fan favorite and he can back it up with his fists."

The 31-year-old Montiel, however, is no slouch.

Eight of his last 10 victories have come by stoppage, including eight world title fights. He's the fourth Mexican fighter to win titles in three different weight divisions, joining the likes of legends Julio Cesar Chavez, Erik Morales and Marco Antonio Barrera.

Donaire surely will be one of the toughest challengers in Montiel's lengthy career.

"The only thing I can tell you is that it won't last 36 minutes," Montiel said.

"It will be a night of power. He has power, and I have power."

I've been know to seek into many places in Las Vegas, but since growing older and wiser, I now just ask my friends for a casual entrance.
No more back alleys and back doors. Now I just walk up to my buddies and say "What'sup"
But sadly I no longer know anyone at the Mandalay Bay Events Center.
I'm going to start working a new angle stay tuned for my progress...

Friday, January 14, 2011

The board that left me and moved to Hawaii.

Sent from my iPhone

If You Ever Wanted to Leap Buildings in A Single

Figure out the size and distance of objects
Download on the App Store
Measure Faraway Objects with SpectaRuler
01.14.11    Peter Miller    Score: 8/10    Price: $2.99   

SpectaRulerSpectaRuler is a very clever utility that allows the user to measure the distance, height, and elevation of objects. How is this possible without actually walking up to the object with a massive tape measure? Through a combination of the iPhone’s camera, accelerometer, touch-screen display, and the addition of a little triangulation (and other difficult math type stuff) SpectaRuler is able to make estimates that are apparently pretty accurate.

The way to use the app is very particular– and a little surprising– so it’s very important to configure SpectaRuler properly and read through all the instructions before you begin. In a nutshell, this means configuring the accelerometer and telling the app what size shoe you wear. That’s right: your shoes are of the utmost importance.

Here’s why: SpectaRuler works by recording the relative size and angle of objects that are captured with the camera. Then, the user has to carefully walk either three or six steps, placing one foot in front of the other, so that the app can then record the difference as it appears through the camera. By analyzing the difference between these two images, and by knowing the precise distance between where the two were recorded, SpectaRuler can figure out all the relevant measurements.

So, how accurate is SpectaRuler, anyway? That depends, first of all, on how meticulously the app was calibrated, how steady the user’s hands are, and just how much the user’s shoes conform to the standard. The math behind the program is sound, so in ideal conditions one can expect the end result to be somewhere between “pretty close” and “that seems about right.” Unfortunately, if you’re in the position to estimate the height of an object with your iPhone, chances are there’s no way to confirm how close SpectaRuler’s final estimate is.

The good new is, it doesn’t need to be exact. This is an app that is intended to entertain, to satisfy one’s curiosity, and to add to the ever-growing list of all the cool things a smartphone to do. If you want to use this app for professional land surveying purposes, well… don’t. If you just want to make your buddy raise an eyebrow, or figure out roughly how far you’d plummet if you were to step out your apartment window, SpectaRuler is easily worth the price.

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In Vegas you should know the height of any building your close to. Just in case.

This guy has an app for that.
