Thursday, January 6, 2011

Alcoholic, Fat, lonely and smells like an ass-tray...Don't worry there's an app for that

According to the popular list-making website, these are the Top 10 New Year’s resolutions of 2011: lose weight; try something new; save money; be happy; achieve an athletic goal; fall in love; take a photo every day; get a job; read more; and quit smoking. Compare it to the list of most popular resolutions from and you’ll see a lot of similarities. That’s because, year after year, resolutions are made in January and broken in February.

Folks who specialize in these kinds of things say it doesn’t have to be this way. You can keep your New Year’s Resolution and achieve your goals. Preparation is the key to success with New Year Resolutions. 1) Start with a realistic goal. 2) Make an actionable plan. 3) Have the necessary tools to achieve your new goal.

To help with your New Year’s Resolutions, we’ve rounded up some apps designed to help you achieve your goals in the coming year. Assuming that your resolution is realistic, you’re just a download away from success in 2011.  

1. Lose Weight.

Calorie Tracker - LIVESTRONG.COM: Achieve Your Diet and Fitness Goals (AppStore Link)

Calorie Tracker - LIVESTRONG.COM: Achieve Your Diet and Fitness Goals

Seller: Demand Media, Inc.    Ages: 4+    Price: 2.99 USD
Download on the App Store

If your goal this year is to lose weight, Calorie Tracker from has one of the largest food databases in the App Store so you can accurately track what you eat and stick to your diet.

2. Eat, Drink, Learn, or Try Something New.

Rachael Ray $40 a Day Locator by MapMuse (AppStore Link)

Rachael Ray $40 a Day Locator by MapMuse

Seller: MapMuse    Ages: 4+    Price: 2.99 USD
Download on the App Store

Trying something new doesn’t have to be as drastic as a jungle safari. How about a new restaurant, a new dish or a day trip to a new town? Rachel Ray traveled all over discovering new places and sharing great deals on her show “$40 a Day.” Use this app to follow along, try something new and find a new favorite.

3. Save Money.

Pageonce Pro – Money & Bills (AppStore Link)

Pageonce Pro – Money & Bills

Seller: Pageonce, Inc    Ages: 4+    Price: Free
Download on the App Store

You’ll never learn to hold onto your hard-earned cash if you don’t keep track of where it goes. Pageonce Pro puts you in control of your finances by making it easy to know what your money is doing—even if you keep it in multiple accounts.

4. Be Happy.

Gratitude Journal Your Positive Thoughts. (AppStore Link)

Gratitude Journal Your Positive Thoughts.

Seller: Colin White    Ages: 4+    Price: 0.99 USD
Download on the App Store

Self-help gurus have long touted the benefits of keeping a gratitude journal. This app makes it easy. Start now and you’ll soon see how learning to be grateful can become a path to happiness.

5. Set an Attainable Athletic Goal, like Running a 5K or 10K.

Couch to 5k (AppStore Link)

Couch to 5k

Seller: Felt Tip Inc.    Ages: 4+    Price: 2.99 USD
Download on the App Store

C25K is a popular 5K training program. Even complete couch potatoes can become regular runners by following this three-day-a-week program. In fact, it’s designed especially to get you off the couch.

6. Fall in Love. - #1 Dating Site (AppStore Link) - #1 Dating Site

Seller:, LLC    Ages: 4+    Price: Free
Download on the App Store

If you build it, they will come. I’m talking about your profile! Jump into the dating pool feet first this year. Then, use the app to keep track of your potential dates. Ready to plan the wedding? That’s a different app.

7. Take a Photo Every Day for a Year.

DailyMugShot (AppStore Link)


Seller: Fuzz Productions    Ages: 4+    Price: Free
Download on the App Store

Inspired by people like Noah, who took a self-portrait a day for six years, many people want to remember the year with photos. Use Daily Mugshot to snap a pic and you can share your animated photo evolution with friends, family or on your blog.

8. Get a Job

Job Search (AppStore Link)

Job Search

Seller: Indeed    Ages: 4+    Price: Free
Download on the App Store

If you need a job to support your app habit, then start with Job search. This app provides access to millions of jobs from company websites and job boards.

9. Read More

1.8 million Free Books – Read Kobo eBooks! (AppStore Link)

1.8 million Free Books – Read Kobo eBooks!

Seller: Kobo Inc.    Ages: 12+    Price: Free
Download on the App Store

Are you determined to read more this year? Try Kobo. This eReader makes it social to be a bookworm by making it easy to share current books or recently completed tomes on Facebook and other social sites.

10. Quit Smoking

Living Well: Quitting (AppStore Link)

Living Well: Quitting

Seller: Frank Davoli    Ages: 17+    Price: Free
Download on the App Store

Quitting offers a 12-week program to help people that are ready to quit smoking. Modeled after the WellQuit program, this app teaches users to tools they need to stay smoke free.

Have you made a New Year’s Resolution? Will you be using your iPhone or iPad to achieve your goal?

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app category: Round-Up

If you want to work on your PX90 body or quit smoking and fall in love there is an app for all occasions, just about.

I just need a heavybag app. Get out the angry, you know...

Until next time keep Rollin' elevens


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