Monday, November 12, 2012

Instabuilder test 1 by apeterson23

You have to check out this new plug-in. It's WordPress plug-in by Martin Crumlish of the warrior forum. Everything Martin creates is like gold. He just has a knack for finding out what marketers want and delivering on that. Nothing more nothing less.

Fireside Chats with Danny Iny podcast intro by apeterson23

Megan introduces the fireside chats podcast

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rock and Roll Time Management

Life is too short to be wasting time. If you waste just 10 min. a day, that equals 60 min. in six days
 or to put more simply,
one hour of your life is wasted every six days.
over the course of the year that works out to more than 60 hours+ of your life wasted.
2 1/2 days of your life you'll never get back, ever.

Listen, this isn't about doom and gloom. It's about taking care of things so that you can enjoy your life.
Make it all count, because there are no do-overs as far as time is concerned.

Here is a quote from Kent Chow's Marketing tips Blog.

It talks about building Amazon Affiliate sites but the Highlighted part is what I want you to see...

1. Focus on Execution persistently
Building Amazon Affiliate Niche Sites is not a rocket science.  It’s just a series of business processes that involve time and dedication to complete.
No matter what you have trusted and picked such as Adsense, Blogging, or creating your own information product, serving offline clients, get focus on your plan and don’t be tempted.
Winners never quit.
Break down your goal as tasks and attack them one by one. Many times I had some great product niche ideas, but didn’t take the actions.
Many times, I have some dreams and goals, but didn’t even start implementing them. And you?
Sometimes, we are overwhelmed by how “big” the project is and don’t even finish a few tasks in the list.
I learned to just break down the tasks into 30 min truck and finish them by one. They don’t need to be perfect to move on. You could always go back and re-visit them. 

This advice can be applied to many aspects of your life, say fitness for example:

Being fit and healthy is:
 "Just a series of processes that involve time and dedication to complete. Break down your goal as tasks and attack them one by one. Break down the tasks in the 30 min. chunks and finish them one by one."

I believe this is one of the core principles of achievement in life:
Make a choice- work your plan- and stick with it....results are just around the corner.

Talk soon

Friday, March 16, 2012

How to Write For the Web

Here is an excerpt from Chris Brogan Article- 97 Ideas for Building a Valuable Platform

Embrace Brevity
  • We are in a consumption society. People can barely read a tweet. Keep everything brief. Note how a numbered list helps with this? Do similar things. Think bite-sized.
  • We tend to overwrite. Most people’s first few paragraphs are throat-clearing, and their endings are weak. Try cutting from the beginning, and making sure the ending of what you write lands well.
I love lists and when Chris creates a helpful list I have to stop-drop-and-roll on over to it. Cause its Fire!

Creating content is not hard when you create everyday.  Because you can just pick out the nuggets and add them to your pile of useful stuff.
Not to say everything you write or create will be useful. 
Actually you create turds most of the time, but thats ok because you are in action, doing.
And the steps are in the right direction.

I think you should check out 97 Ideas for Building a Valuable Platform

Craft your message and put it out there.

I always will, when I'm Marketing Las Vegas

Talk Later



Thursday, March 15, 2012

Get More Traffic By Using Multiple Communication Channels

This this article talks about how you can get people to share your content.
When people share your content you more traffic, so you want this to happen :-)

Here's a short list that I created that you can copy.
( you can even use the same content, just presented in a different format)

  1. Videos
  2. articles
  3. graphics (infographics)
  4. slideshows
  5. podcasts
  6. images
Here's one way that  Michael Dunlop created some content using video
and I'm sure it's just not video but it's written on his blog as well and perhaps there's a slideshow out there talking about the same examples.
Check it out

here's a quote from the income diary
The Final Word
The reason we have different types of blog content is because people learn in different ways. But, what’s the best way work multimedia content into your blog?
Simply? Work as many images, infographics, slideshows, audio files, and videos into your blog posts as possible. Then re-upload that content onto Facebook, Flickr, Pinterest, SlideShare, iTunes, and YouTube with links in the descriptions back to the original post.
More strategically? Maybe your blog can have an infographic day, a slideshow day, a podcast day, and a video day. Then, of course, redistribute your content.
I don’t expect you to go full-bore into the exciting realm of new media content creation. But I do expect you to at least think about it.

thank you for a great article Nicholas  

see next time

Arthur Peterson

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Article: The Best Way to Pursue Your Life's Work | Goins, Writer

The Best Way to Pursue Your Life's Work | Goins, Writer

The mistake we make

Every day, people pursuing their dreams make this mistake. They shoot for the moon without taking the first step. Here are some common examples:

If you want to become an actor, you move to Hollywood.
If you want to get a music career started, you buy some studio time and try to record a full-length album.
If you want to be a writer, you start writing an 80,000-word manuscript.
This is WRONG. If this is your strategy, you will end up frustrated, unfocused, and bitter. So what’s the right way?

Start small.

How a creative habit is formed

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

Great article from Jeff Goins.  Start small and build...

<a href="">productivity tips</a>

Sent from my iPhone

An Income Plan For You To Deconstruct And Apply: From Almost Zero To Over A Quarter Of $1 Million, In Three Years

At Arthur Peterson dot com I use Pat's training.  You can check out a little quote of Pats accomplishments this past 3 years below.

Income Breakdown
For convenience, I’ve included a quick breakdown of my income below so you don’t have to go and find it in the audio or transcript. I’ve used clicktale before to see how people view my income reports, so I know that most usually scroll down to the bottom and look at the numbers first before reading anything else. ;)
  • iPhone Applications: 
  • Coaching and Consultations: 
  • Affiliate Marketing 
  • (for various products)
  • Other: 
  • NET TOTAL: $343,340.84

In this post, just like all of Pat's posts, he's very transparent.
In this post he shows you exactly his income and expenses, but, I don't think that's the most important part of this post.
For me the most important part is the detail the PAT goes into.
The detail for me,is the reason why Pat is so successful with his blog.

He's very easy-to-follow.
His ideas come across as simple.
And he's very personable, in the way that he writes and speaks.
And these things are not easy to accomplish or should I say: "Easy to accomplish and get your point across as simply as possible"

You can tell he puts a lot of work into all of his content. Whether it's audio, video or just the written word.

Now if you want a good plan of attack to generate income on the Internet, I think you should follow along as Pat shows you exactly how he's doing it on the Internet.
Because, he breaks it down for you, warts and all.
He doesn't just show you his successes, but his successes and failures.
So you can learn from someone doing it in the real world.
And I think that's a key concept.

Here's a video I think you should deconstruct and implement to become successful with video:

Don't forget to check out Pats blog and leave a comment below

thanks art

Monday, March 5, 2012

How to start a business with no money, without selling your soul to a venture capitalist company…

How a Passionate Photographer Raised $13,923 For His Project Funding On Kickstarter

Posted by | Interact with Brian on Twitter or Google+

Here is Julian’s Kickstarter project video:

Julian already had a lot of really great photos which help his video stands out, which definitly makes a difference for his project funding on Kickstarter.

Below is the interview where he shared how to raise money with Kickstarter from start to finish.

Here is Julian’s website.

What did you learn from this interview that you can apply in your project funding on Kickstarter?

If you enjoyed this post, get email updates (it's free).

Do you have a great idea for a business, project, product?

here's a great article I found for you.
It shows you how you can start a business with no money.
it's an example from somebody that has actually done it.
Get that business funded.
Without selling any part of your business to a backer.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012