Friday, March 16, 2012

How to Write For the Web

Here is an excerpt from Chris Brogan Article- 97 Ideas for Building a Valuable Platform

Embrace Brevity
  • We are in a consumption society. People can barely read a tweet. Keep everything brief. Note how a numbered list helps with this? Do similar things. Think bite-sized.
  • We tend to overwrite. Most people’s first few paragraphs are throat-clearing, and their endings are weak. Try cutting from the beginning, and making sure the ending of what you write lands well.
I love lists and when Chris creates a helpful list I have to stop-drop-and-roll on over to it. Cause its Fire!

Creating content is not hard when you create everyday.  Because you can just pick out the nuggets and add them to your pile of useful stuff.
Not to say everything you write or create will be useful. 
Actually you create turds most of the time, but thats ok because you are in action, doing.
And the steps are in the right direction.

I think you should check out 97 Ideas for Building a Valuable Platform

Craft your message and put it out there.

I always will, when I'm Marketing Las Vegas

Talk Later



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