Thursday, March 15, 2012

Get More Traffic By Using Multiple Communication Channels

This this article talks about how you can get people to share your content.
When people share your content you more traffic, so you want this to happen :-)

Here's a short list that I created that you can copy.
( you can even use the same content, just presented in a different format)

  1. Videos
  2. articles
  3. graphics (infographics)
  4. slideshows
  5. podcasts
  6. images
Here's one way that  Michael Dunlop created some content using video
and I'm sure it's just not video but it's written on his blog as well and perhaps there's a slideshow out there talking about the same examples.
Check it out

here's a quote from the income diary
The Final Word
The reason we have different types of blog content is because people learn in different ways. But, what’s the best way work multimedia content into your blog?
Simply? Work as many images, infographics, slideshows, audio files, and videos into your blog posts as possible. Then re-upload that content onto Facebook, Flickr, Pinterest, SlideShare, iTunes, and YouTube with links in the descriptions back to the original post.
More strategically? Maybe your blog can have an infographic day, a slideshow day, a podcast day, and a video day. Then, of course, redistribute your content.
I don’t expect you to go full-bore into the exciting realm of new media content creation. But I do expect you to at least think about it.

thank you for a great article Nicholas  

see next time

Arthur Peterson

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