Monday, March 5, 2012

How to start a business with no money, without selling your soul to a venture capitalist company…

How a Passionate Photographer Raised $13,923 For His Project Funding On Kickstarter

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Here is Julian’s Kickstarter project video:

Julian already had a lot of really great photos which help his video stands out, which definitly makes a difference for his project funding on Kickstarter.

Below is the interview where he shared how to raise money with Kickstarter from start to finish.

Here is Julian’s website.

What did you learn from this interview that you can apply in your project funding on Kickstarter?

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Do you have a great idea for a business, project, product?

here's a great article I found for you.
It shows you how you can start a business with no money.
it's an example from somebody that has actually done it.
Get that business funded.
Without selling any part of your business to a backer.

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