Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rock and Roll Time Management

Life is too short to be wasting time. If you waste just 10 min. a day, that equals 60 min. in six days
 or to put more simply,
one hour of your life is wasted every six days.
over the course of the year that works out to more than 60 hours+ of your life wasted.
2 1/2 days of your life you'll never get back, ever.

Listen, this isn't about doom and gloom. It's about taking care of things so that you can enjoy your life.
Make it all count, because there are no do-overs as far as time is concerned.

Here is a quote from Kent Chow's Marketing tips Blog.

It talks about building Amazon Affiliate sites but the Highlighted part is what I want you to see...

1. Focus on Execution persistently
Building Amazon Affiliate Niche Sites is not a rocket science.  It’s just a series of business processes that involve time and dedication to complete.
No matter what you have trusted and picked such as Adsense, Blogging, or creating your own information product, serving offline clients, get focus on your plan and don’t be tempted.
Winners never quit.
Break down your goal as tasks and attack them one by one. Many times I had some great product niche ideas, but didn’t take the actions.
Many times, I have some dreams and goals, but didn’t even start implementing them. And you?
Sometimes, we are overwhelmed by how “big” the project is and don’t even finish a few tasks in the list.
I learned to just break down the tasks into 30 min truck and finish them by one. They don’t need to be perfect to move on. You could always go back and re-visit them. 

This advice can be applied to many aspects of your life, say fitness for example:

Being fit and healthy is:
 "Just a series of processes that involve time and dedication to complete. Break down your goal as tasks and attack them one by one. Break down the tasks in the 30 min. chunks and finish them one by one."

I believe this is one of the core principles of achievement in life:
Make a choice- work your plan- and stick with it....results are just around the corner.

Talk soon

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